Info About The Tradition

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Here you will find posts about the tradition's cosmology and practices. Please note some things are closed with the veil tenant.

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Welcome to the first informational piece on this blog. In the six spoke wheel trad, or S2WT, we practice six major holidays in our wheel. Lets begin with the closest one to come: Springtide. Yeah, we do not call our holidays anything fancy-except for maybe one. Springtide is the spring equinox. The day in the S2WT represents the coming of the Spring devil and other spring spirits such as the spring fae court. Next on the list we have Hexenaught. Hexenaught falls on the day between Springtide and Summertide, and marks the monarch going from her darker hell form into her light, hevean form. It is also a day where the light half of the year begins and a day when the beloved and honored dead are more active. Now we have the previously mentioned Summertide. This holiday falls on the summer solstice and gives us the coming of the Summer Devil and other summer spirits such as the Summer fae court. Next there is Autumntide, which is similar to its counterpart Springtide in that it falls on an equinox, this one being the autumn one. Once again, this holiday is where the Autumn Devil and other autumn spirits such as the autumn fae court come out. Next up we have halloween, which falls directly between Autumntide and Wintertide. Halloween is an inversion of Hexenaught. It starts the dark half of the year whee the monarch goes into her dark, hellish form. Additionally, the dishonored and mighty dead are more active here. In Hexenaught and Halloween the nameless or unknown dead are very present. Finally, we have Wintertide, which is the winter solstice. This is where the Winter Devil and other winter spirits such as the winter fae court make themselves. In summary, the S2WT's wheel of the year not only affects seemingly mundane aspects of life but rather it affects every aspeft of life. Thank you for reading!